Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Acid Reflux Remedies & Cures

..ACID REFLUX DIET ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................The main causes of acid reflus and how to avoid them.....The main symptoms of acid reflux – and how to quickly and easily eliminate each one!
  • How to stop your acid reflux symptoms– quickly, naturally and safely!
  • How to finally get a good night’ sleep . . . without feeling any of the usual acid reflux-related pain
  • How to be healthy and finally be happy again
................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Former Sufferer Reveals – The Acid Reflux Diet That Worked For Him
“Former Severe Acid Reflux Sufferer Wants to Show You How You Can Eliminate the Stomach and Chest Pain, Trouble Swallowing and Throat Tightness, Constant Burning and Discomfort, and Achieve FAST RELIEF From Pain
Without Surgery, Pills and Drugs!”
Dear Acid Reflux Sufferer,
I used to suffer from acute acid reflux. I was addicted to a PPI drug…..that certain “colored pill”. After several years of taking this drug, my condition became worse.

I have never suffered so much in my life
….even drinking water gave me severe indigestion. My doctor suggested that I get back on the pill. He had no other advice to offer.
My esophagus was constantly burning and l feared that I would permanently damage myself. I couldn’t sleep at night. I was afraid to eat or drink anything but water! I was afraid to go out to dinner.

My life had become unbearable!
I was determined to beat this sickness! My doctor couldn’t help me –no one could tell me what to do. I had to heal myself and beat the curse of the big drug companies.
I became completely dedicated to finding the answers. I studied and researched. I wanted to find naturopathic treatments as opposed to drugs, so I searched high and low for natural remedies that might actually cure acid reflux. I tried every possible treatment that exists, short of voodoo.
I found that the answers to the acid reflux problem are really quite simple. With a few changes in diet and lifestyle and with the help of several natural remedies, one can absolutely beat the acid reflux disease, without the use of drugs.
Over the past few years, I’ve been developing an acid reflux cure system that is 100% guaranteed to work, clinically researched and has been backed by thousands of former acid reflux sufferers — and I want to show you how you too, can learn this system to eliminate heartburn and acid reflux pains…forever.
Introducing The
To (finally) Curing Your
Heartburn and Acid Reflux
Naturally and Permanently
This is the ONLY real way to cure your heartburn, acid reflux and digestive problems, because it treats the real source of the problem, doesn’t just mask symptoms, without the serious dangerous side effects, drug addiction and other complications.
It’s a permanent solution, the natural cures and remedies in this guide willeliminate your digestive problems, unlike prescription drugs that only mask the symptoms for a short while.

“No more pain and I even get 7 hours of sleep now”

I wanted to write to you and thank you for the remedy I found in your book. I like to drink tea and many times it would start my chest a burning. The natural tea remedy not only allows me to drink tea but also has cured my heartburn. No more pain and I even get 7 hours of sleep now.
Here’s what you will discover in this guide:

The Acid Reflux (Alkaline) Diet – What Foods To Eat and What Foosd To Avoid
The human body genuinely wants to seek balance, in all forms – GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease) is simply a result of a long-standing pH imbalance. When too much acidic food is consumed, the stomach can’t digest it completely.
The excess undigested food then turns into acid waste, which causes stomach spasms or twitching leading to an increase in stomach gas. This gas increase forces open the valve between the esophagus and stomach allowing stomach acid to retreat into the esophagus.
The main concept behind the pH alkaline diet is to maintain a balance of pH in the foods that you eat. The human body is slightly alkaline and therefore it is better for your health to eat a diet composed of alkalizing foods.
When you eat too many acidic foods, your system becomes unbalanced and it can cause a whole host of problems, including weight gain, poor concentration, fatigue and depressed immunity that can lead to more serious conditions.
The alkaline diet relies on lists of foods that are acidic (to be avoided) and alkalizing (to be emphasized). The alkalizing foods are better for your health and help to balance the pH of your body. While acid, alkaline and pH are common terms, many people do not understand exactly what they mean and what they have to do with nutrition and health.

“Your energy will increase; you’ll find new mental clarity and powers of concentration…”

“You’ll build strength and stamina, and you’ll lose excess body fat while increasing muscle mass. You’ll have bright eyes and clear skin. You’ll look better. You’ll improve your athletic performance. Your entire body will function more efficiently.
Whatever health challenges you’ve been facing will improve and most likely evaporate altogether. In short, you’ll regain all the effortless energy and wellness you thought was lost with your childhood.”
- Dr Robert O. Young,
MS, D.Sc., Ph.D.
Author of “The pH Miracle”

“In an alkaline environment your tissues get rid of impurities more efficiently”

“Your body thrives in an alkaline environment since it is able to detoxify more efficiently than in an acidic environment. In an alkaline environment your tissues get rid of impurities more efficiently. When cancer patients come into my office to begin nutritional treatments, their bodies are almost always very acidic and toxic.. ”
- Dr. Don Colbert
MD author of “The Seven Pillars To Health”
The Natural Cures and Remedies They Don’t Want You To Know About
  • The proven, safe and effective natural remedies readily available, even ones that probably have in your kitchen right now
  • A simple and easy reflux relief treatment toeliminate the symptoms of heartburnthat works almost like magic
  • All-natural diet tips – that you can use tobegin feeling better immediately!
  • Herbal supplements that you can use to feel better – and which don’t come with any harmful side effects!
  • How to reduce and even eliminate your acid reflux by changing your diet – you’ll be amazed at how a few simple dietary changes can have you feeling better in no time!
  • Medications and other medical treatments that can be used for acid reflux – and what the side effects of each are!
  • Several of the best-kept anti-acid reflux vitamin, mineral, and herbal supplements that almost NOBODY knows about
  • Why you’ll never get the whole truth about drugs, antacids and heartburn from almost any doctor
  • How to stop heartburn and chest pain immediately and get rid of it permanently

“Your book gave us simple natural remedies that really worked”

I am dropping you this short note to tell you how much your book on curing heartburn has helped me and my wife. We both suffer from chronic heartburn and have tried several methods to control the pain and discomfort. Your book gave us simple natural remedies that really worked for us.
- Mr and Mrs. Connely Lunzmann
EVERYTHING You’ve Ever Wanted To KnowAbout Living with Acid Reflux
  • The main causes of acid reflux and how to avoid them
  • The main symptoms of acid reflux – and how to quickly and easily eliminate each one!
  • How to stop your acid reflux symptoms– quickly, naturally and safely!
  • How to finally get a good night’s sleep . . . without feeling any of the usual acid reflux-related pain
  • How to be healthy and finally be happy again
  • How to stop the constant burping
  • How to stop having to clear your throat of phlegm
  • How to put an end to stomach bloating
  • How using supplements and other natural treatments can help you save the money you would be spending on expensive medications
  • And much much more!

“I can really get a good nights rest now”

Thank Goodness I found your book. I have been suffering from nighttime acid reflux heartburn for more that 10 years. It has cost me many many sleepless nights. Prescription drugs gave me side affects that were almost worse than the Heartburn. I used two of your natural remedies and
within two weeks my heartburn was gone. I can really get a good nights rest now.
- Jamie Prescott
The Fastest Way To
Flush Away The Harmful Acidic Toxins
And Purify Your Body!
Now you can finally be rid of harmful toxins and increase your quality of life… in far less time than you ever imagined! This is the complete guide that would have cut YEARS off my learning curve if I had read it years ago. Here’s just some of what’s inside…
  • Detox Dieting 101: The most common questions about detox dieting (the stuff that really frustrates beginners), such as “Why do I need a detox diet” and “What are the benefits of detox diets”
  • The five most common symptoms of dangerous toxin buildup in your body
  • Six clear benefits of following a detoxification diet …including improved concentration and increased energy!
  • How to decide which type of detox diet will benefit you the most based on your specific needs and goals
  • How often to attempt a detox diet and what to eat on a typical dieting plan
  • Five food you should generally avoid while on a detox diet… ignoring this advice will sabotage your detox efforts
  • Eight signs that you need a liver detox diet and a comprehesive description of how the liver functions, plus some tips for getting it to operate optimally
  • Eight benefits of skin detoxification and the single most important reason healthy skin is vital for an effective detox
  • Many recipes to use for your detox diet including soups, teas, and juices

“The cells and fluids in most peoples bodies are overly acidic. This can cause a lot of health problems”

“The cells and fluids in most peoples bodies are overly acidic. This can cause a lot of health problems. It prevents your body from neutralizing and disposing of harmful, poisonous toxins and leaves you more susceptible to the cell-damaging free radical oxidation that leads to cancer and other diseases.”
- Dr. Robert Atkins,
Author, Health and Diet expert
The Great Pharmaceutical Hoax!
acidrefluxmapStatistics on the frequency of heartburn and acid reflux (GERD) show that 7% of Americans have heartburn everday and 14% suffer it at least once every week. Alternative estimates suggest that GERD affects about 20% of the adult American population, mostly those in their forties or older.
Acid reflux is big business. In 2006 alone Americans spent $942 million dollars on over-the-counter antacids, and a whopping 13.6 billion dollars on prescription acid suppressants. It’s a drug company’s dream come true.
But acid reflux is not a disease, as the drug companies would have us believe. It is simply a condition, and one that can be healed.
The medical community would have you believe that only prescription drugs can relieve the symptoms of indigestion. This is simply not the case. Antacids are, at best, a temporary fix and they are loaded with harmful ingredients such as sodium and aluminum. PPI drugs should only be used for eight weeks, at most.
Then what are you to do? These drugs only mask and hide the symptoms and have hundreds of harmful side effects. They do not heal the condition! They do not make you well! They only make the drug makers wealthier at your expense!
WARNING!!! Acid Reflux Can Be Very Dangerous If Left Untreated!

“Cancer of the esophagus related to heartburn and GERD is the most rapidly increasing cancer in western countries”

“Heartburn’s not trivial. An interesting study was done of factory workers who were taking lots of over-the-counter medications. And about 40% of them had severe diseases capable of being handled better. We’re having an epidemic of GERD. And it’s dragging cancer with it. Cancer of the esophagus related to heartburn and GERD is the most rapidly increasing cancer in western countries. We’re not sure why there’s such an epidemic of GERD and bringing cancer with it.”
James W. Freston, MD, PhD
University of Connecticut Health Center
Farmington, Connecticut

“Ulceration of the esophagus can result in hemorrhage…the formation of an abnormal lining of the esophagus can become cancerous.”

“The complication is chronic inflammation of the lining of the esophagus caused by the acid that is in contact with the lining for hours when one is recumbent. The complications are stricturing, which is scaring of the esophagus, which can cause obstruction, ulceration of the esophagus that can result in hemorrhage, and the formation of an abnormal lining of the esophagus that can become cancerous.”
John Bryant Wyman, MD
University of Wisconsin
School of Medicine
Department of Medicine
Stop the Pain and Start Healing …
Your acid reflux can be controlled through natural means! Please take a moment and imagine yourself free from feeling that burning sensation in the back of your throat …
Imagine never having to again taste the bitterness of stomach acid and bile … Imagine not having to worry about developing some of the many complications that acid reflux can cause …
Now stop imagining and turn it into reality with “Acid Reflux Diet Cure”!
5 Reasons To DOWNLOAD NOW!
You’ll eliminate symptoms of GERD, acid reflux, heartburn and other painful conditions
You’ll never have to reach for another antacid or other drug
You’ll never again suffer the embarrassment of intestinal “attacks” in public again
You’ll sleep better and be able to concentrate better, and your energy levels will soar
You’ll lose weight! Pounds will melt away and you won’t even feel like you’re dieting.
Please STOP and analyze your options…
Acid Reflux
Prescription Drugs
$37 one time only
$45 – $100+
monthly for years
$3,000 – $10,000+
100% Money Back Guarantee
No money back guarantee
No money back guarantee
Side Effects
extremely rare from food allergies
Serious side effects, drug addiction, complications
Pain, hospitalization, complications, doctor errors
Treats the real source of the problem, doesn’t just mask symptoms
Masks the symptoms, not the real problem
May treat the source of the problem
Duration of Benefits
Permanent by eliminating the problem
short time, pop a pill every few hours
possible longer term
Think about all the years you have left to live – Do you really want 20, 30 years worth of drugs in your system when you can shake the reliance today? Get of the pharmaceutical merry-go-round right now!
The Resources & Effective Methods Compiled Into This guide Are Priceless…
advice“Acid Reflux Diet Cure” gives you all the very best advice and information on getting rid of your acid reflux, heartburn and GERD in one easy-to-use resource.
Why spend hours and hours tracking down information that may or may not be reliable when you can learn everything you need to know about beating this dreaded condition – and I do mean everything – in one convenient guide?
Download now your copy of this effective report right now and start to feel the difference within 24 hours.

You’re Just Moments Away From Giving Up Prescription Drugs and (finally) Curing Your Acid Reflux and Heartburn Symptoms … FOREVER!
So, now is the time for you to grab your copy of Acid Reflux Diet Cure, so you can discover the exact safe, natural, easy to follow home remedies that will overcome your heartburn and banish your acid reflux.

Yes! Please Give Me INSTANT ACCESS To The Entire
Acid Reflux Diet Cure

  • I understand I’ll be downloading the entire Acid reflux Diet Cure for a tiny one-time investment of just $37 when I act now!
  • I also realize I have nothing left to lose, since you’re generous enough to offer me a 60 day money-back guarantee if I’m unsatisfied in any way.
  • I understand that the report could really get me annoyed that my doctor did not let me in on the secret to these natural remedies – but I agree not to hold it against them (it’s not their fault)…

Price $67
 – NOW ON SALE $37
You will get Acid Reflux Diet Cure INSTANTLY, within seconds after your order in .pdf format. You can use Adobe Acrobat to open the .pdf files.
Wishing you the best of health, Michael

“No more bloated feeling after I eat”

I have been using your diet for a week and a half now and I have noticed many of the improvements you promised I would, no more bloated feeling after I eat, I have more energy and it lasts all through the day, in general my bowel movements are more regular and I am free of cramps that I used to get almost daily. I am still waiting to be completely cured of my heartburn but I am very confident that it’s just a matter of time.
- Rachel Denton
P.S. — Let’s be blunt: Don’t you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to get your hands on the information that gives you the absolute best chance of eliminating your acid reflux, heartburn and GERD once and for all? Get this guide right NOW and get the guidance you need to begin living a healthier, better, more enjoyable life!
Listen… you can keep drinking the weird pink stuff, popping those blue/ purple pills or chew on chalk, but I say…why put yourself through that?
Your health is precious, and you deserve better.