Sunday, September 23, 2012

Expected cosmic events in 2012 by Pane Andov

About alberto de leon(Cosmic Events Report w/video)CER1-     ...................................................................................................................................................................     ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Yoga meditation in lotus pose by man silhouette with moon and purple dramatic sunset sky background. Free space for text and can be used as template for web-site Stock Photo - 11534351.............................................................................................................................................    The clairvoyant Pane Andov discussed from his childhood experienced up to now, of his remarkable knowledge and ability on telepathy, remote viewing, astral travel and projections and communicate ET beings.  ................................................................................................................................................................. Mr. Pane Andov explains that thousands of years ago, a cosmic events occured from the galactic center of the Milky Way, there was a powerful gigantic release of an enormous amount of cosmic energy, which was like a very huge, shining, circular wave that is spreading across the galaxy from the center to its edges .................................................................................................... .......................  Included in this report those special spiral crops circles designed in the center of open fields throughout the world representing complex geometric galactic messages thru extraterrestial beings capable of communicating our contactee Mr. Pane Andov. Also, discussed by him, the pyramids around the world; and from those meditating Tibetan people and the Yoga of India; the underground tunnel system in Ecuador; the effect on  DNA of every living things by the galactic burst of energy that is happening right now; the meaning and symbol of the pyramid and eye in every American dollar, including that of the illuminati group of elite persons and their shadow government; and mentioning also of the Mayan wheel calendar which calculate the accurate degree of time and date of the cosmic event of 12Dec2012, whereby, mentioning the plane alignment of all planets in our solar system, with emphasis on the wave that is produced from the huge energy released at the galactic center of the Milky Way that affects everything around the galaxy.With our awakening and meditation, he concluded, that the Flower of Life in every person could manifest and produce Heaven on Earth.... ...........................................................................................................................................................

Expected Cosmic Events in 2012 by Pane Andov

Uploaded by  on Feb 23, 2012
Magnificent presentation by Pane "AstralWalker" Andov about the mega event that will take place at the end of year 2012 and beginning of the 2013. He explains that thousands of years ago from the galactic centre of the Milky Way, there was a powerful release of an enormous amount of energy, which like a huge, shining, circular wave is spreading across the galaxy from its centre to its edges.
The released energetic pulse is already affecting the whole galaxy including the little dot we call our solar system. Very soon it will reach us and hit us with full strength. He explains what kind of implications this spreading wave of energy will have on our solar system, especially to our star and our planet and how it will affect the DNA of life.
The way that Pane connects the dots makes it clear what our planet will face soon and what we as humans can do about it. He is also a contactee and delivers important messages which he backs up with scientific data. For the record, his DNA was changed when his biological body was only seven years old, enabling him to utilize abilities such telepathy, remote viewing, astral travel and to make contact.
He claims that from time to time numerous ET races communicate and deliver important messages to him as a result of alternations to his DNA in early childhood. One of those races is the positive race that is delivering the genuine crop circles, and they explained to him what the complex geometries mean. That's how Pane was able to translate the complex geometric designs which contain the solution to the equation regarding what humanity is facing, when it's going to happen and what can be done about it.

For more reference please visit his website:





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